Monday, December 20, 2010

My Rock

Maybe it's not exactly morning. But for some reason I just cannot get that out of my head. It's probably my favorite saying in the world, I love hearing it, I love saying it, I just think its a very comforting phrase.

So it's finally Friday, and here I am, so bored at work with so much to say and such confusion as how to say it. I'm so thankful for so many people in my life. In my heart I believe every person who I have met throughout my life has changed me some way, and for that I am so thankful. I am perfectly happy with who I am, and I have everyone in my life to thank for that. . .
My Role Model. you are truly my hero. you have no idea what you have done for my life, more than just your given role. You have had the most impact on my life, and I thank you so much for that. You are incredible, and everyone knows. You're too incredible. too nice. too forgiving. too caring, and that is exactly how God wants you to be. You are on this earth to live the life your living, and you are doing a wonderful job. Many, many negative situations have come your way, you and I know that more than anyone. And you have handled them better than anyone I know. I am so lucky to have you in my life to teach me such valuable qualities. That qualities you possess are the ones I admire most, the qualities I hope to possess someday. You have taught me to be forgiving, to be honest. You have completely sculpted me to be everything I could ask for. My relationship with you, my family, God, animals, the world in general, I am so thankful for. I am thankful for being able to see you everyday, to have a relationship where we give and we take. We each have something to offer eachother, and I believe in the past few months we have learned a lot from eachother. I want you to know I'm proud of you for everything you do. For finding your path. For getting rid of the people who bring you down, for realizing that however nice and honest some people may seem, they have other intentions for your loving personality. God's testing you, and you are doing a wonderful job. Maybe it's taken you this long to realize that some of those fantastic qualities need to watched a little closer so you don't get robbed blind, but hey, you've realized it, and you have the rest of your life to be even better. You're a wonderful person who loves more than she's capable of. You're an inspiration to many, and I hope you don't let others negativity bring you down. People are jealous, people don't understand the compassion, the hurt, the betrayal you can feel sometimes because you are more capable of true feelings than most anyone I know, and people dont understand that, and that makes people angry. So forget them, you have too much to do with your life from here on out to listen to people who have nothing good to say. Like you always said, make choices for yourself, because those approvals you are looking for from others don't really care at the end of the day, they just want someone's life to dictate when their bored. Make choices for you, for those who love you most. Those are the right ones. Follow your heart Mom, it's always right.

My best friend. you have touched my life in a way i didnt know possible. your personality, so opposite mine has truly changed who i am. your sweet, your strong, and you handle situations better than anyone i know. You're very reluctant to being vulnerable, and that is a quality I wish for myself sometimes, and you have taught me exactly when to use it. You're hilarious, and make me laugh harder than anyone I know, and boy does that really irk a lot of people, haha. We have more memories than I thought my memory bank could hold, and that is what I love most about our relationship. Beyond each and every one of the hard times, the stress, the pain and heartache, has come ten hilarious memories. Our relationship is honest, and for being my younger sister, you apparantly look ten years older than me. Your a dork, and everyone loves you. That is something I have always been envious of. Your sweet and caring enough to get yourself out there, to make lots of friends, aquaintances atleast, you have so many people that love you and care about you, you never have to worry about not having someone to talk to, even though you seem to do that often. Sometimes I think you forget just how much I love you, and how much I see our relationship as so much more than funny memories. We've all been through rough times, and I couldn't have done it without you. Your attitude and your humor has really made tough times seem like a walk in the park. You make me laugh when I'm crying or when I'm so mad I could kill you. However, I can say the same for you =] we're so opposite its funny, because any other circumstances outside of being forced to be your friend, and hold your stupid hand when we're fighting, I don't know how close we would be, because I probably would have been extremely jealous of you. You're incredible sister, and I am so lucky to have you, and the relationship I do. I just wish you would stop forgetting that I am always here for you, and when times are tough on you, it's me who you can come to. I always have an open shoulder, you know that. Stuntin is a habit =]

My longest and forever friend. you, my love, you are far beyond words. People just couldn't understand what our friendship is like. It's weird, crazy, awesome, and almost supernatural. haha. Nobody would understand, or maybe they would, they'd just think we were crazy. absolutely insane. You've moved away from me, which makes me so sad, but hey, you did it before, and we never grew apart any more than we ever did, so i'm not worried one bit. You are that voice that sits on my shoulder, and the one who reassures me of my feelings, because chances are at one point in time, or even at that moment, you are feeling the same way. I couldn't imagine being more identical to someone, not in the aspect of looks, or even personality, but our lives, our loves, our interest, are so similar it's incredible. Our lives have gone in the same direction since before we knew eachother, we can talk for hours without stopping every day of the week, theres always something new to talk about, theres always a new mood to discover. You're friendship means more to me than you know. You know me at times better than I know myself, and you've changed my life. You put a person into my life that I've needed all along, and I thank you so much for that. You're an amazing friend Chels :) and I'm so happy we've stayed so close for so long. And although we've both done some stupid stupid things, and screwed some awesome things up, royally, it always ends up being okay. and our motto of "everything happens for a reason" is totally right, because without each and every one of our screwups, we wouldnt be as happy as we are now, andddddd so. your amazing, and i love you =]

the rest of the world. there are so many people in this world that have changed my life, some of them I don't even know. There are so many people that I wish I could just thank, for what they've done, most of those people are the ones that have really screwed myself, or my family, or someone I love over. Those are the people I would thank most. For making me appreciate the good, love the ones I do, and to take that bad experience and add it to the experience belt. =]

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