Monday, December 20, 2010


I never for a second would ever everrrrr take back or change a second of my life. I love my life. I love my past. and I am so happy I have experienced what I have, because it has taught me so much not only about myself, but so much more about the people around me. I feel like I've learned a lot more throughtout my life than most. I've been blessed with having multiple passions, and with every passing day, I develop a greater appreciation for everything in my life. I appreciate all of the good things in my life, from the big things to the small things. I find more enjoyment in appreciating the stupid small things, because those, I believe, are what are most important. It's important to appreciate the small things, and even the bad. Because its from those that you learn.

I was thinking the other day, after a silly little situation that could have been a lot better and definitely could have been a lot worse. I had to pick up a check from my boss's house, and his driveway is completely uphill, completely ice. and on both sides of his driveway is a bank, so to speak, (we can call it a cliff for dramatic effect). haha. So basically, if your not on the driveway, your on the ground, 10 feet below. The driveway obviously gradually goes further uphill, so the fall gets less the closer you are to the bottom. ANYWAYSSS, his driveway was completely ice and I was having a hard time getting up it, and when I was backing down the driveway to leave, I turned my wheel to straighten out, and my back right tire slid off the side of the driveway.

At this point. I was sweating bullets. I mean, this stupid simple trip turned into somethign that could cost me thousands of dollars, easy. I can't drive forward, because it is uphill and completely ice, I;ll just end up sliding further backwards. I can't turn my wheel and back up. Basically. Either way I'm coming off the side of the driveway, whether I like it or not. I just sat there for about ten or fifteen minutes, like that would change the situation. My car could flip. My car's complete underside could be torn off completely by the cement side of the driveway. It was awful.

I just had to go. and pray for the best. So i did. I slowly let my car fall off. It made the most awful noise you would want to hear, and sounded like my car had just lost the complete underside. I was pretty sure my car was a goner.

My car was fine. My car is still fine. My boss said he couldn't believe where I had come off of his driveway, and he couldn't believe my car didn't flip. But really, the whole thing really shouldn't have been that big of a deal right? I mean nothing was harmed, it all worked out..... so its over?

Absolutely not. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I keep thinking about what would have happened if my car did flip? or if i did lose something underneath, what would I have done then?? What if I got out of the driveway just fine?

When bad things happen, you learn from them. When bad things happen, you hopefully understand and appreciate that things could be a LOT worse. Or you can wish that it had never happened. There are always two sides right?

So here is my thought. If bad things don't happen, how do you learn, or appreciate? If I would have gotten out of his driveway just fine, would I have driven as safely home as I did? Probably not. I wouldn't have scolded myself for the rest of the week for not paying closer attention. I would have carried on with my life, being ignorant as usual. If it didn't happen, I wouldn't have realized how lucky I was that it wasn't worse. So its just a vicious circle in my head I guess. Like, how can you really sit back, and appreciate a situation that could have been a lot worse, if it never happens??

I almost wish, that we could be given a superpower that allows us to get out of situations like that safely, and free of any trouble, but then lets us see what could have happened, and how lucky we are. If everybody could see what could have happened, that didn't, maybe then they would realize how lucky they really are.

This stupid little incident has really made me think so so much about my life. How ridiculous is that? Pretty crazy. I just know so many people who constantly talk about the bad. and how bad THEY have it. I just wish they could sit back and really think about how lucky they are to be in that bad situation, because it could be so much worse.

Everything we experience is meant as a lesson. If we don't have those experiences, we cannot learn, we cannot appreciate, we cannot take that experience, add it to the belt and learn to be more careful next time.

I am very thankful for that stupid encounter with the driveway of the devil. My car is safe, I am safe, and I even walked away with a lot of life lessons. I just wish I could convince everyone else to do the same =]

so please. appreciate the small things. they are much bigger than they seem. if you allow it to happen, its the small things that could really make the difference.

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